Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Me by Jert!

Thats right, ladies and gentleman! Jeremy "Jert" Townsend did me up. Actually he did this about 2 years ago when he came to work at Universal Studios Hollywood for a few weeks. Thanks man, I freakin love this! He actually did a few more and i'll share those soon! Check Jert out at the bottom of my links. 

p.s. Hey Jert! Tell Bluhm I want my sh*t! He knows what i'm talkin about! Peace


Christy Latz said...

I'm really diggin' the energy here! Fantastic work! :)

Could this really be happening to me said...

Good work, definatly....keep it up xx

Meesimo said...


Jeremy Townsend (JERT) said...

weird, i forgot about this....did you clean it up or looks weird...thanks for the shout!!